Reducing risks through responsible cannabis use

Did you know that responsible cannabis use contributes to the reduction of associated risks? It also provides users with a safer and more pleasurable experience.

Join us in this article and discover how to enjoy its benefits in a responsible and conscious way.

Recreational and therapeutic use

Between recreational and medical cannabis use, there are notable differences in terms of risk reduction: Therapeutic use, under the supervision of medical professionals, is safer than individual or recreational use, where there are no guidelines or control over the substances consumed.

Recreational use has a focus on psychoactive effects, on the other hand, therapeutic use involves precise dosing with the aim of obtaining therapeutic benefits without experiencing unwanted side effects.

However, it is important to note that in many cases people use cannabis therapeutically without being aware of it and without medical supervision. Some use it to relax, improve sleep or have a more positive mood, without seeking an intense psychoactive effect.

How can you prevent the risks associated with cannabis use?


Cannabis, like alcohol, has a biphasic effect. This means that at low doses it can have benefits or pleasurable sensations, but if consumed in high doses it can cause unwanted effects such as anxiety, paranoia, or excessive sedation.

For this reason, it is essential to maintain a balance and respect your limits. Not overdosing and keeping the frequency moderate is key to ensuring a safe experience and maximizing the benefits of cannabis.


Combining psychoactive substances, such as alcohol and other drugs, can increase health risks and enhance the effects of each.

To have better control over dosages and avoid complications, it is advisable to consume each substance separately and independently.

If you use benzodiazepine-type psychotropic drugs, be aware that the interaction with cannabis can enhance the sedative and drowsy effects. It is important to talk to a health professional before combining them to avoid possible risks.


Whenever possible, opt for organically grown cannabis, and be sure to research the source and obtain information about the product you plan to consume.

If you are going to consume oils or edibles, read the list of ingredients carefully and prioritize those that use natural ingredients and especially avoid chemicals or synthetics. Find out about the extraction method used to obtain the oil and other cannabis-derived products; there are natural or solvent-free methods that better preserve the compounds and reduce health risks.


Being in a quiet place free of distractions, surrounded by people you trust, promotes a more pleasant experience, and reduces potential stress. The right environment can have a positive influence and the experience can be more pleasant.

Although it may seem obvious, it is crucial to remember not to drive vehicles or take on important responsibilities while using cannabis. Doing so can pose a danger to yourself and others.


There are some safer routes of consumption that reduce the risks associated with cannabis use:

  • Vaporisers: this is a safe option because the temperature is lower, no combustion is generated and exposure to toxic substances is reduced.
  • Dabbing: Dabbing involves the concentrated vaporization of marijuana extracts, such as rosin, using the Dab. This method minimizes inhalation of plant material.
  • Sublingual: Cannabis oils and tinctures can be consumed sublingually in a more precise and controlled manner.

If you have tried all these alternatives but still can’t, or don’t want to quit smoking joints, consider doing so without the use of tobacco, which is the main source of toxins. In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains many other harmful substances such as tar, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, and other toxic chemicals.

In conclusion, we hope that you have gained a more comprehensive view on the topic of risk reduction, and we encourage you to choose a safer way of consumption in order to enjoy cannabis in a responsible way.