Sowing magic: tips for hemp germination

Spring is arriving soon, which means that the hemp germination season is just around the corner. This time is crucial for growers, as germination is the first step to a successful harvest.

In this article we will provide you with valuable information on how to choose the right seeds and the most effective techniques for the germination of your plants.

How to choose seeds

For novice growers, it is advisable to look for established and trusted brands that have proven good results over time.

It is important to choose stable genetics to ensure optimal results, however, it is also important to take the available budget into account and look for options that fit it.

There are many hemp genetics available today and they can be divided into sativa, indica and hybrid. The terpene and cannabinoid content is what determines the effect of the flowers, but it is important to know the difference between sativa and indica when choosing seeds because the flowering time and overall appearance of the plant changes.

Generally, sativa varieties grow higher than indica plants and their flowering time is also longer. Therefore, if time is a very important aspect for you, you should rather look for a plant from the indica variety.

Mainly, you have to take these aspects into account when choosing the most suitable strain for you:

  • preference of the flowers’ flavour and smell
  • preference of their effect: more euphoric, more calming or therapeutic
  • available space for cultivation
  • available cultivation time
  • available budget
  • skill and experience of the grower

Germination techniques

Germination is the process by which the seed becomes a plant and it starts when the seed opens and the first root emerges. For successful germination, it is essential that the seeds are in a warm (between 20°C and 25°C), moist and dark environment.

Generally, germination usually occurs within the first 48 hours and it is best to wait until the root is at least 1 cm long before planting the seed.

Here are the main techniques for germinating cannabis seeds:

Putting the seed directly into the soil or pot

It is not the most recommended technique if you are looking for 100% germination success, especially indoors, but it can be the most appreciated technique for those who have a lot of land to sow and little time at their disposal, in large industrial hemp crops for example.

Using peat blocks

Germinating using peat blocks is a popular technique in which seeds are placed in pressed peat plugs to begin the germination process. Peat plugs are easy to use and can provide a healthy growing environment for young plants. They are quite inexpensive and can be found for sale in any grow shop.

Covering the seeds with paper

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative, you can germinate your seeds in paper. The seeds are placed between two layers of damp absorbent paper and should be kept in a warm, dark environment to encourage germination (you can use a container with a lid and place it inside a cupboard or unlit room).

Immersing the seeds in water

Another economical technique that minimises the use of disposable materials is to use a simple glass of water (better if it is mineral water or filtered water). This is an effective technique that provides a lot of moisture to the seeds, although you have to be very careful not to leave them soaking for too long. Again, the seeds need to be kept in a warm, dark environment at all times.

Once the roots have started to grow, it is important to move the seedlings into the pot to continue the growth of the plant.