Category Archives: Articles

Cannabis in Empty Spain

When it comes to tourism, Spain has been able to position itself as a top destination for decades now. Her extensive coastline and cities like Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia are pearls in her crown, visited by millions each year. This is also where her population increasingly concentrates itself, while most of her countryside is slowly […]

What’s new about vaping cannabis?

Do you already have one of those nifty new vaporizers? Nowadays we have allsorts of high-tech solutions to consume our cannabis without the hazardous consequences of inhaling smoke. Cannabis consumption can now actually be considered part of a healthy lifestyle, as advocated by a growing number of professional athletes, actors, musicians, influencers, even politicians. “Sometimes […]

Culinary Cannabis

Photo by Jasmin Brunner

Cannabis, the magic ingredient Let´s face it.. if you´re regular smoker, you probably enjoy a good meal as well. The culinary world seems to have embraced the cannabis plant now, and it´s a match made in heaven. In the past decade we´ve seen a steadily relaxing attitude towards, and rising popularity of, cannabis. The online […]